Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let's Make a Website!

As promised, I shall review the process I went thorough while making the Official BYU Microfinance Club Website. Let us begin!

Right after the website was started

Pretty boring if you ask me, so I started to add stuff (you know like information and photos)

We then had two sidebars and information about what is microfinance as well as the history of it. However, after a few days I thought that was pretty boring, and that information could be turned into a sidebar feature. I then got a story from Jeff who went to Sierra Leone on his mission and met a woman named Baby. So, I decided that it would be more personal if on the homepage of the website there would be a picture of her with her family and her story.

This is the final homepage!

Here are some other pages on the website!

And here is our blog!

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