Monday, September 13, 2010

Blog Searching

I think many of us in the blogging world have wondered "How can I easily find blogs related to specific topics?" I myself have spent hours trying to search different methods and blogs looking for a specific topic or theme, but often I was left without the information I was really looking for; however, today I learned a more practical and easy method of searching for blogs. Allow me to share what I've learned.

Technorati: go to website
This is a internet search engine site. It indexes millions of blogs and also tagged social media which makes for simple blog searching. Technorati looks at tags that authors have placed on their websites. These tags help categorize search results, with recent results coming first.Technorati rates each blog's "authority", the number of unique blogs linking to the blog over the previous six months.  You can simply type in a topic you would like to search at the top, or can click on the top tabs which classify the most popular blogs into different genres (Technology, Business, Entertainment, etc). It also lists the top blogs on the Web. It's a very simple and easy website to use. 

BlogPulse: go to website
This site is very similar to Technorati. On its main page it breaks down different blogs into lists (top links, key people, top videos, top blog posts, etc). You can also type in whichever topic you are in search of, and it will display the most recently posted blogs that mention (or tag) that subject. 

IceRocket: go to website
This is also another very good site to search for blogs. You can specifically look for blogs, but also can expand your search to look in Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, News, and others. There is also a section of top searches so you can see what other people are looking up. 

Which ever site you use, you will be able to find the information that you're looking for fast. For anyone who is looking to find specific blogging information or topics, these search engines are for you. Good luck and happy blogging!

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