Saturday, September 4, 2010

Discovery and Exploration

Two and a half weeks ago I came home from serving an LDS mission for my church. I served in San Francisco and San Jose, California. As a missionary I didn't watch TV, movies, or use the internet (except to email my family once a week). Since my time back I have realized how many new technological advances have been made in my absence. I find dificulty using my basic email account, Facebook is changed substantially that I can barely figure out how to change my status, and don't even get me started on the purpose of Twitter.... It's hard for me to even imagine how some people are actually creating these sites and programs. They really are the discoverers and explorers of our day.

I can't help but think of Aristotle, Ptomely, Copernicus, and others who blazed the trail of discovery and exploration of their day. They dared to dream in ways that people of the time couldn't even imagine. Even years after their death, many people still doubted the validity of their original thought. It's incredible to see how the world continues to expand, and how we are continuing in the footsteps of the founding fathers of exploration and discovery. We are really going places where no one could even have imagined us going--especially when it comes to uses of the internet. We truly have been inspired from these pioneers who taught men to dare to dream and discover new by doing so, they helped us develop and enlighten our minds.

Now, I just have to figure out how to check my email....


  1. Wow, you are just barely home! Hope you are getting used to civilian life. Things have changed a lot in the last little while. Nice to connect this with the pioneers of thought we have been studying.

  2. I think you appreciate how fast things have changed a lot more when you've been gone for a while. When I got home from my mission I felt the same way. Some things seemed almost ridiculous. Have you noticed anything that you think we really could have been better off without since you've been home?

  3. It's just really funny how everyone is so addicted to their technology. Everyone is checking their phones, Facebook, emails almost constantly; to make matters worse (or perhaps maybe it's better) it's now all accessible on our cell phones. It's crazy!
